The brief is about client SVT Barn, who trusted in our skills and the potential to redesign their current website into a more radically personalized platform where children (target group) feel more engaged and connected. We spend a total of 16 weeks, 5 of my awesome team were involved in this project. My role was mainly doing research, UX, and Facilitator roles. I also participated in design but not as much as other roles.
Some of the methods I really practiced during these projects were — Workshops, User research, Interviews, Observation, Usability testing, A/B testing, and rapid prototyping
Lastly, I used tools like — Figma, Mural, and Dovetail to successfully finish this project :)
SVT Barn: is a sub-brand of SVT and They own and produce a video streaming service platform for kids.
With the emergence of their competitors, brands like Disney + landing in Sweden, the threat of the future was inevitable and we, Hyper Island‘s warriors / Students were on a mission to create a radically personalized experience for kids that will make them stand out and stay competitive in the market ✌️
So, a simple and direct question to dig into our core problem is: How Might We create a radically personalized experience for SVT Barn?
So far, SVT Barn has only been giving recommendations of contents that more mostly viewed, popular, and previously viewed. They don’t have accounts, profiles, and even previously watched was just for visiting websites. If I log into another computer, there is no way you can watch your previous contents again.
The current design of SVT Barn
Then, what are our solutions? It’s redesigning its current landing page with a more radically personal streaming service.
To do that, we created three main concepts that will radically personalized platform that will improve the experience of having a fun but much more connecting experience.
The chatbot concept was introduced for creating a radical personal experience for kids between 7–12 years old.
The chatbot will not have a conversation; it will assist in recommending contents and allow kids to have thumbs ‘up’ and ‘down’ features so that they can make simple and quick decisions.
Here is an example of our solution:
The ethical design was considered when we were building how to ‘take a break’ without having discomfort for kids. We aimed to maintain personalized service as well as an ethical perspective for solving ‘over watching’ problems.
The chatbot will express they are tired and requests permission to take a break. If the user confirms ‘yes’ then it will automatically take a 2-hour break. After that, it will playback to where they left off.
Here’s our prototype to see:
My favorites page will create an instant personalization for using the SVT Barn platform. You can save your favorite top 10 shows, different genres of content kids want to watch.
This solution will create more connections to kids and also easier access to their previously watched/favorited shows.
Here’s our design of how ‘My favorite page’ will look:
During the research phases, We did eight in-depth interviews and we collected all our data in Dovetail to get a good overview and to analyze the data through tags. Then we carried on building a user persona to deepen our insights.
Here are Charlie and Marcus personas:
Charlie is an active, energetic 9-year-old who likes to be social and have fun.
She likes to talk with her friends, play games, and watch Disney +
She likes to socialize with her friends online a lot, uses TikTok to create fun videos, and shares them with her friends.
Marcus is a funny and game-loving person.
He spends his free time mostly playing Minecraft.
He likes to spend time with his family and friends too, but he often connects better in games and his friends as playing characters since it is fun and playful with friends at the same time.
After building a User Persona, We iterated our ideas and hypotheses then interviewed the same eight in-depth interviews with the same children that we researched previously to create a better hypothesis and more accurate insights. Here are our key insights:
After spending weeks of research on interviews and making wireframes to test, we finally started to do observations through paper prototyping and let children freely use their imagination to create an ideal app they wanted to have if they could. After doing multiple observations and iterating our designs, here are
🔬 3 key things we learned from ethnographic research (Observation):
🕐 We wanted to test a group of children who have usually been together for a long time, sharing similar beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.
🕐 When it comes interacting with apps and websites, we observed a group of kids between age 7–12 years old, who are close friends from school, wanted to understand how each friend affects each other in terms of their decision makings, common interests, conversations and trends they are affected with each other.
🕐We learned that kids we observed loved gaming and playing characters are important factors in using any apps or websites and how their friend's response affected greatly as they responded differently to the same topic when alone and with friends.
After all the interviews and testing and observations…What are we doing to do with it?! It is, of course, going to be focused on making design improvements.
Here are my personal reflections on how our research results and feedbacks transited into our final design decisions that improved our prototype:
Every testing with the prototype we did, we needed to really understand what do they actually do and why they do things.
When we did observations and I talked about it before that, having metrics to measure and test the hypothesis, different prototypes after each feedbacks were the best way to do it. It’s really important to talk about behaviors because especially for kids, they don’t know what they really do sometimes than what they think they are doing.
For example, if we only asked them what they do in their free time we would know they like games and watch YouTube but we would never know what characters they actually like, what buttons they really use, how long they actually watch / play with games or contents. When we made our improvements it was all based on our observations and testing and that led to making features that we finalized at the end.
Thank you!